Scholarship. Character. Service.
Mailing Address: Central Office 28241 Crown Valley Parkway, Ste F 201 Laguna Niguel, CA 92677
News & Information
Serena Lin Seymour Award 2020-2021 South Region Finalist
Serena LinSouth RegionChapter 48 - Glendora High SchoolAdviser Pam Edward Serena Lin is a student at Glendora High School. She is currently the president of her CSF chapter, where she has participated the Panda Express fundraiser, and the Personalized School Spirit...
Charlotte Chin Seymour Award 2020-2021 Central Coast Region Finalist
Charlotte ChinCentral Coast RegionChapter 484 - Bishop O'Dowd High SchoolAdviser Darling Vinavong Charlotte is a student at Bishop O’Dowd High School in Oakland, where she is the founder and president of the school’s Girls Who Code chapter. Charlotte is a...
Nathan Miranda Seymour Award 2020-2021 South Central Region Finalist
Nathan MirandaSouth Central RegionChapter 1182 - Santa Susana High SchoolAdviser Karen Hazlewood Nathan Tran Miranda attends Santa Susana High School in Simi Valley California where he currently serves as Co-President of his CSF Chapter. This Eagle Scout spends a lot...
Ravpreet Grewal Seymour Award 2020-2021 Central Region Finalist
Ravpreet GrewalCentral RegionChapter 175 - Manteca High SchoolAdviser Denise Pasion Ravpreet Grewal is a student at Manteca High School and is serving as the Activities Director of his CSF chapter. CSF activities include Pizza and Play and the Sock Drive. He also...
Safiya Munif Seymour Award 2020-2021 North Region Finalist
Safiya MunifNorth RegionChapter 1226 - Horizon Charter SchoolAdviser Melora Klusnick Safiya Munif attends Horizon Charter School in Lincoln, California where she has been the CSF President for three years. She has been working on several community service projects...
Connor Claborn Seymour Award 2020-2021 South Region Finalist
Connor ClabornSouth RegionChapter 1336 - Tahquitz High SchoolAdviser Daisy Figueroa Connor Claborn is a student at Tahquitz High School in Hemet. He has been the vice-president of his CSF chapter, participating in such activities as Pennies for Patients and the CSF...
Nishi Bhagat Seymour Award 2020-2021 Central Coast Region Finalist
Nishi BhagatCentral Coast RegionChapter 749 - Mission San Jose High SchoolAdviser Katherine Geers Nishi Bhagat is a student at Mission San Jose High School. She is a student representative on the Fremont Unified School District Board of Education, and on the FUSD...
Lena Bennett Seymour Award 2020-2021 Central Region Finalist
Lena BennettCentral RegionChapter 1384 - Harmony Magnet SchoolAdviser Vicky Edwards Lena Kate Bennett is a student at Harmony Magnet School in Strathmore and is serving as the CSF President. Her activities include the Harvest Festival fundraisers, Valentines for Vets,...
Caterina Marji Seymour Award 2020-2021 South Central Region Finalist
Caterina MarjiSouth Central RegionChapter 1395 - Saint Monica AcademyAdviser Jessica Halpin Caterina Marji is a senior at Saint Monica Academy in Montrose California where she is actively involved in her CSF chapter and serves as its vice president. While not playing...
Tristan McMichael Seymour Award 2020-2021 North Region Finalist
Tristan McMichaelNorth RegionChapter 373 - Quincy High SchoolAdviser Gregory Prouse Tristan McMichael is finishing his time at Quincy Junior / Senior High School where he is serving as the president of his CSF Chapter. When he is not playing soccer or tennis, he...
Amina Federspiel-Otelea Seymour Award 2020-2021 North Region Finalist
Amina Federspiel-OteleaNorth RegionChapter 1409 - Ghidotti Early College High SchoolAdviser Dominie Wilhite Amina Federspiel-Otelea has spent her High School career at William and Marian Ghidotti High School in Grass Valley California. As the current Co-President of...
Jamaal WIllis Seymour Award 2020-2021 South Region Finalist
Jamaal WillisSouth RegionChapter 93 - Barstow High SchoolAdviser Andrea Stetler Jamaal Willis is a student at Barstow High School where he is the president of his CSF chapter. With CSF he has participated in Honor Day, Club Rush, and coordinated events with virtual...