Scholarship. Character. Service.

Mailing Address: Central Office 28241 Crown Valley Parkway, Ste F 201 Laguna Niguel, CA 92677

5th Annual CSF/CJSF
Virtual Student Leadership Conference
February 8, 2025, 9-11:30am

5th Annual CSF/CJSF Student Leadership Conference 2025 - session proposals

#1 Fundraising 101: Basic Guide to fundraising; Maximizing your time and effort
Throughout this presentation, I will delineate various ways to fundraise, providing concrete examples of previous fundraising projects that I have participated in, whether as an ASB officer for my school (e.g., school dances and snack booths), president of clubs in which I fundraised for organizations that I cared deeply about, or advisory board member who contributed to raising awareness of a multi-city fundraiser. Additionally, I will include areas to consider when fundraising and convey specifics about reaching out to local businesses that may offer partnership opportunities. Overall, the presentation will focus on generating fundraising ideas and breaking down the steps to make it less daunting and more doable, encouraging participants to mobilize and maximize their efforts in fundraising.

El Segundo High School CSF
Presenter: Jadden Lai-Yates

#2 College NOW! Exploring Concurrent Enrollment as a Middle/High Schooler
Are you excited for college? What if I told you that anyone, regardless of age, can take free community college courses online and earn life skills, college credits, certificates, and even degrees? Join this session to explore concurrent enrollment, discuss higher education, and learn how to enroll and register for free online college classes at Diablo Valley College or any California Community College near you!

Sequoia Middle School CJSF
Presenter: Maya Manchester

#3 Strengthening Tomorrow: How you can shape the futures of children in underserved communities through the AME project (and get hours!)
Join students from different high schools across LA to learn how you can make a difference in education with The Ame Project – a student-founded, student-run, 501c3-certified nonprofit organization focused on providing free resources and tutoring assistance to underserved K-8 schools. We’re on a mission to bridge the gaps in education while also providing high school students with the opportunity to nurture their passion for learning, lead with integrity, and inspire change and connection. In our session, discover how you can use your skills and talents to make the community you dream of a reality and how we can help you!

Immaculate Heart High School CSF
Presenter: Sihumana Cenquizca, Junue Jang, Florayne Lualhati, Rihana Ramos, Heidi Suarez

#4 Positive Psychology 101: Defense Against Low Self-Esteem
Low self-esteem is like a heavy, dark cloud that doesn’t want to disappear. Even when you’re tired of it, it’s still there. So how can one combat low self-esteem and its negative effects? This presentation will discuss utilizing Nathaniel Branden’s 6 Pillars of Self-Esteem and other positive psychology principles to ease yourself out of that dark cloud of low self-esteem. We will also share how this renewed mindset can be used throughout your academic and professional journey. Interested in learning how positive psychology can be practically applied to your life? Tune in to our presentation for more information!

Horizon Charter School CSF
Presenters: Alexandria Castro, Leah Wong, & Cheyenne Jimenez

#5 Homelessness: What We Can Do to Help
This session will present and share my project to support the homeless in the Bay Area. I will talk about the causes of homelessness, how that can look different for different people, and how we can help. I will also talk about my experience organizing shoe drives for homeless people in my area, and how you can organize your own. 

Notre Dame San Jose High School CSF
Facilitator: Mariam Elshareif

#6 Thriving in High School: Time Management and Successful Study Skills
I know how it feels to be confused and lost about how to succeed in a much more rigorous setting like high school. The transition from middle school to high school is very difficult. My objective is for students to leave my presentation feeling much more confident in tackling their hard classes. I want students to take the tips I will give and apply them to their day-to-day lives. I want you all to retain information well, perform those tests with confidence, and receive an amazing score. Subtopics will include time management skills, study skills, and tips on balancing your academic and social life.

Capistrano Valley High School
Presenter: Valentina Naranjo

#7 You Mattress, I Chair! The Power of Mental Health In Schools
Stressed? Uncertain? In schools, the mental health of students is often understated and dismissed. In these situations, there are no viable programs or help that students can seek. Students are susceptible to depression and anxiety as they face stressful situations at school, whether it is academically or socially. As a result, this presentation aims to be more than a deck of slides. Rather, it will be focused on spreading awareness of the pervasive issues of mental health and educating others on the overarching importance of students’ wellbeing. We want to encourage students to reflect on themselves and their community by engaging them through our interactive session. Most importantly, we want to inspire students to implement what they have learned in our session in their school communities. Learn more about “You Mattress, I Chair!” 

Iron Horse Middle School CJSF
Presenter: Anna Truong

#8 Open Forum: Ask Questions/ Share Triumphs
Join us for an informational sharing session to ask questions about the running of your chapter, fundraising, membership drives, or anything else CSF or CJSF related. Our CSF community loves to hear about projects and successes of our peers. This session will be hosted by a current state board member and members of the Student Advisory Council.

California Scholarship Federation/ California Junior Scholarship Federation
Presenter: Stephanie Peterson, Past President and members of the CSF/CJSF Student Advisory Board

Evaluation Form:   


CSF/CJSF chapters shared their successful ideas and resources at Annual Virtual Student Leadership Conferences.

All sessions presented by students, for students, and about students!

Thank you to all the presenters, facilitators, and all CSF and CJSF members for making the conference successful!

Virtual Student Leadership Conference Videos/Media
1st – 5th Annual

How Can CSF Shape Your School Community?

How Can CSF Shape Your School Community?Because CSF has flexibility in its mission, to recognize and encourage academic achievement and community service among middle and high school students in California, Clubs/Chapters can integrate with existing school programs...

Culture of Pride

Culture of PrideThere are many CSF/CJSF students who want to feel more connected to their culture, and many who feel disconnected. It is important for individuals to keep their heritage alive as it can connect oneself to others on higher levels, all while playing...

Community Involvement Best Practices

Community Involvement Best PracticesAs students, we want to find ways to be involved in our community. However, one of the hardest things is finding where to start. Sometimes all you need is one "lead" that takes you to the next one. This presentation will discuss how...

It’s a Celebration! Fun Ways to Recognize Your Graduating Members

It's a Celebration!: Fun Ways To Recognize Your Graduating Members.We will present several service projects that can be done by both CSF and CJSF chapters to celebrate their graduating members. The presentation will include a list of service projects with step-by-step...

Community Service in Childcare

#5 Community Service in ChildcareGilroy High School CSF will discuss different childcare opportunities, activities for children, and how to work with children.Gilroy High School    

Service Learning

#4 Service LearningSan Benito High School CSF will share the service learning projects that they’ve been involved in to help their community, including volunteering experience with the Community Food Bank.San Benito High School    

Self Care & Mental Health

#1 Self Care & Mental HealthWith a strong: Treat yourself! attitude, the CSF & CJSF team at Downieville Jr./Sr. High has curated a custom list of exclusive products, experiences, and habits that have helped individuals and student communities at Downieville...

Writing Letters to the Military

Writing Letters to the Military (Operation Interdependence) Audrey Kaefer, Katelyn Wolfe, Mackenzie Van Laar, Ben Anderson, Anna Turk, and Kaitlyn MartinezGilroy High School | CSF Chapter 98Gilroy

Tips on a Rebuilding Year

Tips on a Rebuilding Year Sara Kuang and teamMission San Jose High School | CSF Chapter 749Fremont