Exploring Health Care Careers

Exploring Health Care Careers
CSF/CJSF members have been well established as academically accomplished student leaders. Often, this takes many CSF members down the field of healthcare, where they can apply their wits and leadership qualities. This session is for those CSF/CJSF members interested in such careers to learn about a multitude of them, such as the Physician, Nurse, and Physical Therapist to name a few. We will go over the basic steps to becoming each one, different specialty branches for each, what makes each career unique in their patient care role, what a day-in-the-life looks like for each one, et cetera.
Western Sierra Collegiate Academy CSF
Presenter: Robert Nasanbat

View/Download PDF: Exploring Health Care Careers

Becoming a Leader of Character

Becoming a Leader of Character
Leadership is a term often bandied about without any substance behind it. That is, what does it mean to lead and, more importantly, what kind of leader leads best. A leader of character exemplifies six key traits: courage, humility, integrity, selflessness, duty and positivity. A person living and personifying such traits inspires those that follow through their positive example. The presentation will briefly cover why character is important, the six traits, and how to live them in everyday life.
Mater Dei High School CSF
Presenter: Antonio Taormina

View/Download PDF: Becoming a Leader of Character

Public Speaking 101: How to not Screw Up

Public Speaking 101: How to not Screw Up
Public speaking is fundamental to any type of leadership position you are in. Knowing how to speak to a group of people at any moment gives you the panache and professionalism to effectively lead. Public Speaking 101 is a selection of tips, tricks, and lessons from leaders all around Northern Sacramento: composed into a 20 minute presentation for your convenience.
Western Sierra Collegiate Academy
Presenters: Mark Centeno, Vibha Doddipalle

Tutoring our Peers and Community

Tutoring our Peers and Community
At Tamalpais High school we offer an after school tutoring program on campus so that students feel that they have the resources to succeed. After school tutoring allows students to have a safe place to conduct any studying as well as receive 1:1 attention which is sometimes challenging at a larger public school. Additionally,Tamalpais High School student Talia Lazerwitz started a project called Youth for Justice in the Canal District located in San Rafael to help tutor and mentor young students. The Canal District is home to many immigrants and low-income families that may not have the same opportunities that many students have at Tam High. Youth for Justice aims to help bridge the gap and help these students reach their full potential. Talia presented the volunteer opportunity to our student body, many of whom now volunteer their time as tutors in the evenings.
Tamalpais High School
Presenter: Ellery Barnes and Talia Lazerwitz

How Can CSF Shape Your School Community?

How Can CSF Shape Your School Community?
Because CSF has flexibility in its mission, to recognize and encourage academic achievement and community service among middle and high school students in California, Clubs/Chapters can integrate with existing school programs and opportunities for leadership in their school communities–as well as augment or enhance the experience in a school setting–shaping school culture and even impacting those who do not qualify for the CSF program.
Portola Jr/Sr High School CSF/CJSF
Presenters: Kirsten Boyd, Taylor Lungstrom, Tomás Olaje-Murrieta, Natallie Craig

View/Download PDF: How Can CSF Shape Your School Community?