Quick Tips to Write Your Seymour Nominee Personal Statement

Has your adviser expressed an interest in nominating you for the Seymour Memorial Award?

If not, you may want to approach your adviser and ask to be considered for the nomination.

It’s an honor to be nominated for this award and a lot of effort on the part of your adviser to complete the nomination requirements. Advisers may nominate no more than two students each year.

There are a few requirements to be eligible:

  1. Nominees must be Sealbearers by the end of the first semester of senior year.
  2. Nominees must attend the mandatory Seymour Interview for their region. See Calendar for dates.
  3. A member of a CSF chapter in good standing for the current academic year.

…and responsibilities:

You must write a Personal Statement to be submitted with the nomination.

What is a Personal Statement?
The Seymour Committee is interested in specifics about how your background, family life and viewpoints have made you the person you are. In general, do not include data available from other materials in this application, but we are very interested in your experiences with CSF and Community Service (not just with CSF) in your community. This statement should not just be a copy of a college statement, but it may be similar, and does need to include specific information about community service and your leadership role(s). Limit to 2 double-spaced pages PDF. Parts of your personal statement may be quoted at the Celebration of Awards.

Provide your adviser with your contact information: mailing address, phone, and a non-school/district email. We need to be able to email you so make sure it’s an email address that can receive email from outside your school/district.

List of your activities (PDF) – presented in this order:

CSF membership by grade level and semester
CSF offices held, note grade level
CSF activities by grade level and semester
Non-CSF offices & activities
Academic awards & recognitions

Recommendation Letter from a Community Member

This person must be outside of school, and not a relative. This letter should focus on your character and role in the community. It should be written by an adult who knows you well outside of the school environment. Persuasive letters have been written by supervisors of volunteer or paid work, community service club advisers, neighbors, religious leaders, etc. The writer should include how long he or she has known you and in what capacity. Limit to 2 double-spaced pages (PDF). Parts of this letter may be quoted at the Celebration of Awards.

High school transcript (PDF) – Must include first semester senior grades. The transcript should also show any classes taken off-campus for which the nominee has received credit.

CSF Publicity Release – Seymour Award.

Get these materials to your adviser as soon as possible. Do not wait until the last minute and risk missing the deadline of 6 pm on February 18, 2021. Give yourself and your adviser a few weeks lead time for a low stress experience.

SAVE THE DATE – CSF/CJSF North Conference – April 5, 2025

Saturday, April 5, 2025

CSF/CJSF North Region Conference

  • Career Pathways
  • Adviser Workshops
  • College/University
  • Booths

Special Guest Speaker

College And Career Readiness Workshops from The Following Fields:

  • Medical Profession
  • Aviation
  • Food Industry
  • Hotel Industry
  • Law Enforcement
  • Arts And Music
  • Computers And Technology
  • And More!

By invitation only – held concurrently with Occupation Odyssey

  • Seymour Awards Interviews
  • Huhn Awards Workshop
  • Student Summit

2376 North Ave, Chico

Registration Coming Soon

For more information contact Sandra Villasenor – [email protected]

Download CSF/CJSF North Conference Flyer

CSF Michelson Award Essay Contest is open until December 22nd

Although community service is not required for CSF membership it is strongly encouraged. Many chapters give extra recognition for participating in service activities. If you are a CSF junior or senior who gives back to your community, please take this opportunity to tell us about it, and compete for a $1,000 award at the same time.

This essay contest honoring Glenn Michelson is a great opportunity for CSF Junior and Senior members to write about their community service activities. Your community begins with your family and spreads out from there.

To apply, students must write an essay in response to this prompt:

“Describe a volunteer experience you have had and its impact on you and your community.”

Previous Michelson Award Essay Contest winners have written about:

  • Serving 600 meals since 2021 at The Union Rescue Mission in DTLA and as a result created with other students a slide presentation to raise awareness and funds for URM.
  • Using a 3d printer which Weber used to print disinfectable, reusable masks for use during the COVID pandemic.
  • Planting trees throughout the community, Kylee gave personalities to the various trees that were planted as part of an experiment to see which would best survive the harsh coastal conditions.

The Michelson Award is available to all Juniors and Seniors who are members of a CSF chapter in good standing. Eligibility is NOT limited to Sealbearers.

Get all the details and submit your essay and application on https://csf-cjsf.org/csf-awards/.

How to Workshop: Panda Express Fundraiser Virtual on Zoom

How to Workshop: Panda Express Fundraiser
Virtual on Zoom

November 4, 2024 | 5pm

Join us on Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/96110458118
Open to CSF and CJSF Advisers, administrators, and student members.

Focus: How to earn a donation from CSF for participating in the CSF/CJSF Panda Express fundraisers

  • Get ideas on how to get your supporters to send their receipts to you.
  • Learn how to combine the receipts into a PDF.
  • Tips on completing the Tally Sheet.
  • Uploading the receipts PDF and Tally Sheet using the online form.



Seeking Session Proposals for 5th Annual Virtual Student Leadership Conference

The 5th Annual CSF/CJSF Virtual Student Leadership Conference will take place on Zoom on Saturday, February 8, 2025, from 9-11:30am.

What would you like to share with other CSF and CJSF chapters?

Be a part of this annual event by submitting a proposal for a presentation at the conference.

We are very excited to collaborate with you on bringing your chapter’s presentation to hundreds of students throughout the state! Your efforts will reach members from CJSF and CSF chapters from Crescent City to San Mateo, Long Beach and Orosi to Santa Ynez and all points in between. You can inform and influence thousands of CSF and CJSF members with your presentation.

All sessions will be presented by students, for students, and about students! Your session should be 5-20 minutes long and CSF/CJSF-centered and may be prerecorded or live.

Here are some possible session topics:

  • Service projects
  • Academic support
  • Creative events
  • Promotion/Marketing
  • Communication
  • Social media presence
  • Ceremonies
  • Recognition
  • Fundraising projects
  • Community and Campus involvement
  • Chapter organization/leadership

Please submit your proposal by December 15, 2024!

Some previous presentations are here.