During these uncertain times, CSF hopes that advisers will use their discretion on how to handle year-end grade requirements for those students still wishing to use this semester to qualify as Life Members/Sealbearers, as well as for CSF & CJSF fall membership which will be impacted by this semester’s grades.
Although many chapters ask members to do a certain amount of community service, attend meetings, etc, these are not required by CSF or CJSF in order to be members, or to earn Life Member/Sealbearer status (which includes the lamp pin & diploma seal) at the end of the senior year. Again, it is at the discretion of the adviser as to how missing these activities will impact other recognitions established by the individual chapter.
Good luck in the weeks to come, and thank you for all of your hard work for CSF & CJSF!
Renee Tyler and Richard Roe
CSF/CJSF Co-Presidents