Virtual Workshop on Zoom: Joining the State Board – Candidacy and Elections
Thursday, February 6th at 5pm
Learn how you can be a part of the future of California Scholarship Federation & California Junior Scholarship Federation.
Register to join the Zoom meeting:
Maintaining a dynamic and engaged board of directors is important to any organization. CSF and CJSF need to bring new people with fresh ideas and energy to the board. You could be someone who contributes to the future of CSF and CJSF!
CSF and CJSF seek new board candidates each year. Please consider putting your yourself up as a candidate for one of the positions open for 2025-2027. Or suggest it to someone you know who could contribute to the mission of CSF and CJSF.
Find out more about becoming a candidate and a member of the state board on February 6th at 5pm on Zoom. Current Advisers will be sent an email with the Zoom link. Check your spam folders if you don’t see it in your Inbox. Email [email protected] for the Zoom link.
Duties of Officers and Board Members
Board members are expected to attend in person two board meetings a year.
CSF covers travel, hotel, meals, and allowed expenses.
President-Elect – Candidates must have served on CSF/CJSF Board for at least 1 year.
- Act as President when the President is absent or incapacitated.
- Become familiar with the responsibilities of the President.
- Oversee annual elections.
- Act as Chairperson of Legislation: Receive/review proposed amendments to the CSF State Constitution and Bylaws; notify Board of any proposed legislation which may affect scholarships and the purpose of CSF.
- Serve as a voting member on the CSF state board and attend in person two board meetings each year.
- Take minutes at Board of Directors meetings.
- Send copies of board meeting minutes to the Board and maintain meeting minutes so they are available to the Board.
- Act as Corresponding Secretary for the Board.
- Serve as a voting member on the CSF state board and attend in person two board meetings each year.
- Disburse funds.
- Arrange with bookkeeper for annual compilation by a professional accountant.
- Make a financial report at the annual meeting.
- Serve as Chair of the Budget Committee.
- Serve as a voting member on the CSF state board and attend in person two board meetings each year.
CJSF Vice Presidents – You may be asked to serve in a region outside your chapter region.
- Act as liaisons between CSF and CJSF.
- To serve on the regional conference organizing committee.
- To serve as a voting member of the CSF State Board and attend in person two board meetings each year.
- Maintain regular communications with the advisers in the region, serving as their liaison with the state board.
- Submit an annual report to the President.
- Contact any inactive or delinquent chapters in the region.
- Encourage affiliation of eligible schools within the region.
- Serve as a voting member on the CSF state board and attend in person two board meetings each year.