Please add any great ideas you would like to share with the CSF/CJSF Community.
Fundraisers that can be carried out online or in person!
- Candy Sales
- See’s Candies has a very nice online fundraising program with no minimums. Valentine’s Day is a coming up and would be a great time for this easy to do fundraiser.
- Seasonal Sales:
- Valentine grams
- Valentine carnations (roses)
- Candy Cane grams
- “Opportunity drawings” (pizza, donated prizes)
- Sponsor teacher vs. student competition
- Create and sell cookbooks
- Partner with a restaurant for a virtual fundraising event
- Book covers with school emblem/logo – take orders online
- Sell singing “telegrams”. Ask for email address of recipients. Use Zoom to deliver the musical messages.
- Virtual concert. Make use of the talent of your chapter members to create an online experience and sell tickets to it.
- Virtual talent show. Ask supporters to submit their virtual talent show performances video. The videos can be compiled for viewers to vote on their favorite. Charge an entry fee. Consider offering several prizes, including for best overall, most humorous, most talented child, etc. to boost participation.
- 24-hour campaign. Get in on GivingTuesday – December 1, 2020
Send emails to potential supporters requesting donations on December 1st, or any date you choose.
Fundraisers best for post-COVID life!
- Bake Sales
- Seasonal Sales:
- Valentine grams
- Valentine carnations (roses)
- Candy Cane grams
- Rummage Sale
- Sell pencils (Smencils)
- Athletic Event Programs
- Car wash
- Sponsor Dances
- “A-thons” (jog-a-thons, dance, swim, run, bike, jumprope, read)
- Recycle- newspapers, aluminum cans
- Book fairs (donated paperbacks, etc.)
- Sponsor talent shows (including teacher talent shows)
- Sell daffodils on “friendship day”
- Sponsor teacher vs. student competition
- Cow chip bingo
- Concession stand at a school or community event
- Gift wrapping at a local store
- Sell hot chocolate on winter mornings
- Make and sell candy leis for graduation (YouTube demonstrations)
- Penny War
- Book covers with school emblem/logo
OTHER IDEAS TO RAISE FUNDS (For purchasing chapter awards, student recognition supplies)
- Contact local merchants to make a presentation seeking their sponsorship of donation.
- Contact the local Chamber of Commerce, Kiwanis, Rotary Clubs, to seek their support or donation. In turn, perform community service for their events.
- If permissible, seek donations from students or parents or school staff.