You Mattress, I Chair! The Power of Mental Health in Schools

You Mattress, I Chair! The Power of Mental Health in Schools
Stressed? Uncertain? In schools, the mental health of students is often understated and dismissed. In these situations, there are no viable programs or help that students can seek. Students are susceptible to depression and anxiety as they face stressful situations at school, whether it is academically or socially. As a result, this presentation aims to be more than a deck of slides. Rather, it will be focused on spreading awareness of the pervasive issues of mental health and educating others on the overarching importance of students’ wellbeing. We want to encourage students to reflect on themselves and their community by engaging them through our interactive session. Most importantly, we want to inspire students to implement what they have learned in our session in their school communities. Learn more about “You Mattress, I Chair!”

Iron Horse Middle School CJSF
Presenter: Anna Truong

View/Download PDF: The Power of Mental Health in Schools

College NOW! Exploring Concurrent Enrollment

College NOW! Exploring Concurrent Enrollment as a Middle/High Schooler
Are you excited for college? What if I told you that anyone, regardless of age, can take free community college courses online and earn life skills, college credits, certificates, and even degrees? Join this session to explore concurrent enrollment, discuss higher education, and learn how to enroll and register for free online college classes at Diablo Valley College or any California Community College near you!

Sequoia Middle School CJSF
Presenter: Maya Manchester

View/Download PDF: College NOW! Exploring Concurrent Enrollment as a Middle/High Schooler

Positive Psychology 101: Defense Against Low Self-Esteem

Positive Psychology 101: Defense Against Low Self-Esteem
Low self-esteem is like a heavy, dark cloud that doesn’t want to disappear. Even when you’re tired of it, it’s still there. So how can one combat low self-esteem and its negative effects? This presentation will discuss utilizing Nathaniel Branden’s 6 Pillars of Self-Esteem and other positive psychology principles to ease yourself out of that dark cloud of low self-esteem. We will also share how this renewed mindset can be used throughout your academic and professional journey. Interested in learning how positive psychology can be practically applied to your life? Tune in to our presentation for more information!

Horizon Charter School CSF
Presenters: Alexandria Castro, Leah Wong, & Cheyenne Jimenez

View/Download PDF: Positive Psychology 101_ Defense Against Low Self-Esteem

How to Communicate with Adults

How to Communicate with Adults
College Park High School CSF officers will be giving a presentation on how to lay a foundation when it comes to talking with adults. The presentation will consist of an introduction, various tips and misconceptions, and strive to build confidence in students of all ages. Personal stories and discussion will also be included as a way to spark any questions that CSF members may have. We will go over the significance of talking with adults and reassure any nervousness that comes with discussing a certain topic with adults.

College Park  High School CSF
Presenter: Cadence Lai, Sarah Kim



  • #1 How to Communicate with Adults – Building the courage in order to respectfully talk with adults.
  • #2 Survival Guide to High School 101 – Tips on how to survive high school and manage your mental health.
  • #3 One Book, One Community, Promoting Literacy Across the County
  • #4 Using UN SDGs to Meet Local Needs – The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals
  • #5 Creating A Local Ecosystem Through Service
  • #6 Cultural Appreciation/ Integration into Daily Life
  • #7 Public Speaking 101
  • #8 Self Care
  • #9 Perseverance
  • #10 Board Member Forum