Video: CSF Advisers Virtual Workshop January 18, 2024

Q&A from the meeting Chat

Slides – Brief introductory presentation in PDF format

Can you confirm the dates & location for awards? Complete details on Calendar.

  • March 9 — Central Coast
  • March 16 — Central
  • March 23 — South Central
  • April 6 — North
  • April 13 — South

Can students attend the region conference even if they are not finalists?
Students are welcome to attend the full Conference which will be in the Central Coast region on March 9th this year. This event will include workshops, college fair, and various activities for all CSF and CJSF members, advisers and parents. Students may attend on their own. The conference will also host the Seymour Interview, Huhn Workshop, and awards ceremony.
Other region events this Spring will host only the interviews for Seymour Finalists and workshops for Huhn nominees. We are testing a Student Summit at each of those events this year; this year for Huhn nominees only.

Explain CSF recognition on high school transcripts.
An indication of Sealbearer status should be placed on the permanent academic record and on transcripts; advisers may need to request this for eligible members.

What is the difference between Sealbearer and Life Member?
Sealbearer and Life Member are the same achievement. See the CSF Bylaws ARTICLE V – Requirements for Life (Sealbearer) Membership.

What is the minimum recognition (award) for Sealbearer (Life) members?
    1. The official CSF life membership pin.
    2. The Federation chapter seal on the diploma, and an indication of Sealbearer status on the permanent academic record and on transcripts.

How long is the chapter membership drive supposed to be?
This is up to each chapter adviser/school to decide. The usual is three to four weeks at the beginning of each semester.

Our chapter meets monthly. What are some of the things that everyone does during chapter meetings?
Meeting ideas really depend on the needs of your chapter. Often, chapters bring college admissions people, help students fill out the applications, create service opportunities, etc.

The students are doing a scholarship workshop together next week. What kinds of activities should be included?
A session on how to write a personal statement. For students about writing personal statement
Review scholarships offered in your community, go over the criteria and discuss ways to best apply.

What is the difference between the Student Leadership Conference-Virtual, and the full region Conference on March 9th in San Jose this year?
The SLC is a Free online event for students only. All sessions are presented by students, for students, and about students! CSF and CJSF members can choose from 10 presentations offered in various time slots. The sessions are on topics of interest to CSF and CJSF members. Get more information here

A full region conference is in person and includes a variety of workshops and activities as well as a college fair, breakfast and lunch. This conference is open to members, advisers, and parents from all regions. The conference has something for members of every grade level as well as the opportunity to meet and exchange ideas with members from other chapters. There is a fee to attend, this year it is $25. Get more information about the 2024 event here

Can we get rid of the membership applications after the students graduate?
You do not need to keep CSF applications for students that have graduated.

Exploring Health Care Careers

Exploring Health Care Careers
CSF/CJSF members have been well established as academically accomplished student leaders. Often, this takes many CSF members down the field of healthcare, where they can apply their wits and leadership qualities. This session is for those CSF/CJSF members interested in such careers to learn about a multitude of them, such as the Physician, Nurse, and Physical Therapist to name a few. We will go over the basic steps to becoming each one, different specialty branches for each, what makes each career unique in their patient care role, what a day-in-the-life looks like for each one, et cetera.
Western Sierra Collegiate Academy CSF
Presenter: Robert Nasanbat

View/Download PDF: Exploring Health Care Careers

Becoming a Leader of Character

Becoming a Leader of Character
Leadership is a term often bandied about without any substance behind it. That is, what does it mean to lead and, more importantly, what kind of leader leads best. A leader of character exemplifies six key traits: courage, humility, integrity, selflessness, duty and positivity. A person living and personifying such traits inspires those that follow through their positive example. The presentation will briefly cover why character is important, the six traits, and how to live them in everyday life.
Mater Dei High School CSF
Presenter: Antonio Taormina

View/Download PDF: Becoming a Leader of Character

Public Speaking 101: How to not Screw Up

Public Speaking 101: How to not Screw Up
Public speaking is fundamental to any type of leadership position you are in. Knowing how to speak to a group of people at any moment gives you the panache and professionalism to effectively lead. Public Speaking 101 is a selection of tips, tricks, and lessons from leaders all around Northern Sacramento: composed into a 20 minute presentation for your convenience.
Western Sierra Collegiate Academy
Presenters: Mark Centeno, Vibha Doddipalle