Congratulations to the Central Region Nominees for the CJSF Marian Huhn Awards for 2024-2025. Congratulations on your nominations! These nominees will meet at the Huhn Workshop this weekend to compete for one of five Central Coast Huhn Recipient awards.

Tina Phan
Chapter 1206
Creekside Middle School
Adviser Sally Yoo

Isaac Zhang
Chapter 1206
Creekside Middle School
Adviser Sally Yoo

Nikitha Shivaprasad
Chapter 1085
Fallon Middle School
Adviser Shawna Healy

Katherine Penzel
Chapter 1167
Moreland Middle School
Adviser Jill Davis

Dayeon Lee
Chapter 370
Pine Valley Middle School
Adviser Maria Ciriaco

Avery Giotta
Chapter 668
Sequoia Middle School
Adviser Leilani Montoya

Maya Manchester
Chapter 668
Sequoia MIddle School
Adviser Leilani Montoya