Harkirat Batth, Chapter 1366 – River Valley High School
Adviser Eric Ricketts
Principal Lee McPeak
Yuba City Unified School District
Not only has she been a 4 year member of CSF during high school but also a CJSF member in junior high. Currently Vice President of her chapter at River Valley High. Harkirat is among the Future Health Professionals, Drama Club, Improv Club and Hockey Field Team. This year she took on the job of activities director, helped create the Sutter County Library Teen Advisory Board and is President, Founder and Editor in Chief for The Creative Youth Magazine since 2022. Her volunteer opportunities started with CSF early on as she found her purpose in each project. As she volunteered she would not only do the job at hand but would take it a little further. The activities she remembers the most were theThanksgiving Food drive, Giving Tree and this year alone Breast Cancer Awareness, Holiday Cards for Seniors and Wreaths Across America. This student has received the Silver Key award in poetry and Gold Key award for short story. She has been honored with the Musical Theory Award and has been given 4 first place and 4 second place awards for Piano. And not to forget, having a 4.0 or higher for Principals Award all four years in high school.
Harkirat has many choices for college but will attend UCLA where she was just accepted and double major in Biology and English. Family is very important to her, and she wants to leave a legacy. Always Dream Big and don’t let the limit of this world hold you back!

Emily A. Garcia, Chapter 1403 – Woodland Christian High School
Adviser Zak McGaugh
Principal Ryan Devine
Woodland Christian Schools
Emily has been involved in CSF and community service activities for 4 years. Emily’s leadership skills are evident in the following: two years as Class President and two years Class Representative for ASB. In 2021 was recognized for FFA Sectional Creed Competition, Numerous Leadership Awards and has been a student athlete in Girls Golf, Softball, and the Swim Team. Emily attended Woodland Christian Youth Softball camp in 5th grade and loved it so much. She would return year after year and was able to move into a leader at camp and has watched the process to help girls grow and gain confidence while participating in a sport they truly enjoy. She will attend Fresno State University in the Fall and major in Business Administration and would like to become a CAC Pathologist in the future. She works at A Change of Pace Foundation and takes on seasonal jobs at the Pumpkin Patch and Christmas Tree Farm.
Lastly, Emily’s advice to all: Don’t wait to complete a task when you have time at that moment. Tomorrow is unknown and there is no telling what it will bring, or what could occur keeping you from accomplishing the task.

Lily Frances Henson, Chapter 380 – Portola Jr./Sr. High
Adviser Lori Marquette
Principal Sara Sheridan
Plumas Unified School District
Lily likes to hike for fun with her family and loves wildlife. At a very young age she aspired to be a nurse. With her sister being her inspiration to such a career. As a sophomore, she participated in Pathways in Medicine with zoom meetings with UC Davis which cemented her desire to push on. Currently she is job shadowing nurses in her local community. Lily has been a part of ASB throughout all four years of high school and has been recognized with the Gold Honor Roll all four years. She enjoys volunteering for school activities such as the prom, carnivals and homecoming events. She has belonged to the varsity volleyball team for three years. In her spare time, she volunteers for the Rotarians. She does have a job too, working at the Drifter’s Table and the Nakoma Golf Club. She has applied to the CSU’s but her first choice is Southern Utah and will major in nursing.

Kristine Manalang, Chapter 156 – Vallejo High School
Adviser Julie Czapiewski
Principal Chris Waldron
Vallejo City Unified School District
She is the vice president of her High School’s CSF chapter, where she has taken part in so many activities. To name a few: Christmas Pictures, Valentine Grams, and Pie Time. She serves on the ASB, has been the secretary and prom committee. But CSF has a special place as it was the first club she joined after covid. She quickly became a Treasurer and then moved up to Vice President this year. Kristine was awarded AP Scholar Award and currently is the Community Organizer for Club Stride. She loves to bake in her spare time and specializes in Banana Bread. Kristine has been accepted at UC Davis and is waiting on UC Berkeley and UCLA to major in Engineering.

Noor Randhawa, Chapter 1157 – Woodcreek High School
Adviser Stephanie McGrath
Principal Suanne Bell
Roseville Joint Union High School District
Noor is a four-year CSF member and has been President for the last two years at Woodcreek High School. She is a Key Club member and belongs to the National Society of High School Scholars and has been involved with the Best Buddies Organization. Noor also enjoys playing tennis and the piano for the past 10 years. During the high school years she volunteered at senior centers, elementary schools, pet shelters, and the armed forces. Noor has been a tutor at the high school helping other students. Well, Noor has applied and been accepted to UC Davis and is waiting to hear from UC San Diego, UCLA and UC Berkeley. Her plans are to major in Biological Sciences and someday become a doctor. And oh, she speaks 4 languages!

Kimberly Rios, Chapter 230 – Williams High School
Adviser Patricia Sims
Principal James Welcome
Williams Unified School District
A four year member of CSF at Williams High School, where you will find Kimberly as this year’s senior class president. She has been involved with the policy making and dress code committee, school site council, secretary and a translator and tutor for the school district. She was accepted to SMASH UC Davis (intense math and science program). Kimberly has been actively involved with the Vitalant Blood Drives all four years of high school. She loved working with the Read Across America campaign and helping with community food drives. You might have even seen her on the track or jumping hurdles. Kimberly has been involved in the Sacred Heart Parish of Maxwell as a Lector helping with the youth group. She has been awarded the National Hamilton Award, College Board National Hispanic Recognition Award, Principal’s Award all four years and is a 4.0 Student Athlete. Kimberly has been accepted at Harvard and Berkeley but is keeping her options open for all 12 schools she applied to. She will major in Molecular and Cell Biology. On a side note, she has learned so much from her mom and grandma in the kitchen. They have told her to measure with the heart. She loves to bake with trial and error and comes up with a few new recipes.

Mansi Sharma, Chapter 1408 – Western Sierra Collegiate Academy
Adviser Mary Buttweiler
Principal Jennifer Hill
Rocklin Academy Family of Schools
A member of CSF and holds the logistic operator position. Mansi is the co-founder of the Painted Ladies Society and American Born Confident Desis (Day sis) where she has led discussion, developed activities and community building. Mansi has volunteered for park clean ups, feeding the homeless and volunteers in a Hindu Cultural Center. She loves to dance and has been certified to choreograph and teach. She can play the Bansuri, which is the Indian flute, and enjoys archery and yoga. Mansi has applied to 9 UCs, so far, she has been accepted to UC Santa Cruz and UC Davis. If you ask her where she would like to spend the next four years, she would pick UCLA majoring in Computer Science. She loves to code and thinks it so interesting, Basic, Java Script and Python to name a few. In her spare time, you might find her painting or drawing or even researching the newest or ancient topic.

Anna Rose Soares, Chapter 120 – Placer High School
Adviser Suzanna Gardetto
Principal Jaime Jackson
Placer Union High School District
Anna knows what she is going to do. She is a three-year CSF member, and also is a 4-year member of the Placerville High School Marching Band as a trumpet player. She has been on the Cross Country and Track Teams for four years and has been named captain and MVP. She has received accolades for her math and science skills and received the Principal’s Award throughout high school. She mentioned in her personal statement that her mom and dad have helped her grow into the person she is. So, she will follow her dad’s footsteps and become an electrical engineer while attending UC Irvine all the while being accepted to run Track and Field. If you are ever in the Auburn Canyon, you might see Anna running or rock climbing. She plans on visiting the National Parks someday in her favorite blue Asics.

Leyna Thai, Chapter 1197 – Sheldon High School
Adviser Nichole Cecil
Principal Paula Duncan
Elk Grove Unified School District
Leyna is a three-year member of CSF and is the current Vice President. Throughout her time in CSF, Leyna has assisted with activities and organizations and worked with donating clothes, the local Food Bank, Ice Cream Socials, Dog Toys, Christmas Card Making and Cookie Event, Food Fairs and Club Rush. Leyna has been involved and volunteers for the Soroptimist Club, Outdoor Club, Key Club, National Honors Society, Chemistry Club, Eco Club, Cross Country, Teen Biotech, CTECH Girls Camp and the Perry Initiative. She has applied to UC Berkeley and is waiting for all letters to arrive but has been accepted to UC Davis, UC San Diego and UC Irvine and Sacramento State. For now, it looks like UC San Diego is her number one. Whichever one she chooses, they will be very lucky to get Leyna. Her goal is to major in Biochemistry.

Gianna Trezza, Chapter 1366 – River Valley High School
Adviser Eric Ricketts
Principal Lee McPeak
Yuba City Unified School District
As a current President of her CSF chapter, Gianna has been an active member for the past four years. Gianna has been involved in many events and activities. Just to name a few, Fall Festivals and the Spring Fling Service Project. She is a member of many clubs and organizations such as: FCCLA Culinary Club and Key Club and Jacque’s Dance Expressions. She has been recognized by the Principal’s and AP Scholar Award. Gianna has applied to many colleges and is waiting to be accepted. UC Davis is her number one choice but here are the others that might be getting a great student just in case she changes her mind. The list includes UC Berkeley, UC San Diego, UC Santa Cruz, UCLA and UC Riverside, San Diego State, Sacramento State and Chico State. She wants to major in Design Architecture with emphasis with Sustainable Architecture. A little-known fact, Gianna has taken her talent of painting to tiny libraries or vista scenes at her school.