Ellery Barnes, Chapter 225 – Tamalpais High School
Adviser Amanda Spaht
Principal Kimberly Clissold
Tamalpais Union High School District
President of Tamalpais High School’s CSF chapter for the past two years, and co-president the year before, Ellery was highly involved with last year’s CSF Student Leadership Conference as an Organizer and a Presenter. On campus, she has led the after school math tutoring program. Also for the past three years, Ellery has been the president of the “Honor T” Club, the high school’s honor society since 1920, Creating an overlap between Honor T and CSF to encourage more students to take action in the community. Currently this combination has helped to present service opportunities to 400 students 6 times per year. In her other activities, Ellery has volunteered at a local food bank since she was 8 and has used her social media skills to create educational videos for Foldscope, a low-cost paper microscope, and for a non-profit group “Better Together Forever” to assist struggling pet owners. Ellery has applied to many colleges including UCLA, UC Santa Barbara, UC San Diego, Dartmouth, Duke, Princeton and Yale, where she hopes to major in Environmental Engineering. Away from school, Ellery says that she never turns down an adventure, and has even made her family get involved.

Reena Boddukuri, Chapter 884 – Prospect High School
Adviser Chun-Yao Chang
Principal Markus Autry
Campbell Union High School District
A Member of Prospect High School’s CSF chapter in Saratoga for all four years, and before that as a member of CJSF during Middle School, Reena is currently the Treasurer of the largest club on campus. Currently participating in a See’s Candy Fundraiser, her CSF experiences have led her to be very active in other organizations such as the American Red Cross. Serving first as a Health and Safety Committee Officer, she has more recently served as an International Services Committee Officer. She has learned valuable skills both as an event planner and host, bringing to the community programs to raise awareness of local and International Red Cross issues. Reena is also the Co-founder and current secretary of The Society of Women Engineers club, a group created to encourage women to pursue STEM careers. For life after high school, Reena has applied to such colleges as UCLA, Stanford and UC Berkeley in hopes of earning a degree in Computer Science. As of this moment she is most eager to develop technologies for our future such as AI. When life slows down, it might be possible to find her out in nature somewhere getting up close and personal with her camera. Flowers are her most recent subjects.

Kalani Gaviola, Chapter 167 – Paso Robles High School
Adviser Jennifer Martinez
Principal Megan Fletcher
Paso Robles Public School District
For the past three years, Kalani has been an active member of her Paso Robles CSF chapter assisting with projects from riverbed cleanup days, to club fairs, and peer mentoring. But, where her voice is most often heard is through her school’s Newsmagazine called Crimson, where she currently serves as the editor in chief. Her leadership has led to her school’s online media being recognized as the 3rd best high school newsmagazine in the nation, and earning her a Journalist of the year for last year. Also on campus, Kalani is the ASB Student Director for the past two years, where her proudest accomplishment has been to bring to her school, and lead for the past three years, the Culture Expo, a time of laughter, food, learning and acceptance regardless of a student’s ethnicity. Other leadership roles include serving as president of the Superintendent’s Council, serving as the editor in chief of a “district highlights” magazine to advertise the school district to potential homebuyers, and a two year term as president of the Rotary International: Interact Club. Kalani has already been accepted to the UC Berkeley Regents Program, but is still awaiting acceptance from UCLA, UC San Diego and Harvard before making her final college decision. She plans to major in either English or Anthropology, and might even one day become a lawyer. Looking at her now, you might not realize it, but Kalani is obsessed with eating raw cookie dough. In fact, the first thing she does when arriving in a new town is look for stores that sell it.

Ainsley Carla Hancock, Chapter 898 – Aptos High School
Adviser John Mason
Principal Rachel Jones
Pajaro Valley Unified School District
For the past six years, Ainsley has practiced the motto “Scholars for Service” in both the CJSF during middle school, and as a CSF member of Aptos High School for the past four years. Although her chapter is a membership only chapter on campus, Ainsley has definitely served others through so many volunteer opportunities from building food pantries, beach clean-up days and after school tutoring programs, but it is on the water where her best makes a splash. What started off as obtaining a position as a sailing instructor with the Santa Cruz yacht club quickly challenged her as she realized she was fighting the perception that sailing was a “boys sport.” Unsatisfied with this perception, Ainsley threw herself into this endeavor showing other young girls how much they could achieve if they wished for it. She was soon elected as part of the junior board and represented young sailors in the Santa Cruz Harbor. Ainsley has learned a most valuable lesson, that when there’s a passion, there’s a way forward. She will take these lessons moving forward and hopes to attend either the New Jersey Institute of technology, The Rochester Institute of technology or Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and major in Mechanical engineering, Aerospace or Biomedical Research. A fun fact about Ainsley, is that she told me she’s probably been thrown overboard more than anyone she’s ever known.

Alice Kang, Chapter 873 – Archbishop Mitty High School
Adviser Janie Falcone
Principal Katherine Caputo
Diocese of San Jose
Archbishop Mitty’s own Seymour finalist, Alice has been a CSF member for the past three years and is this year part of this conference’s planning committee. During her time with CSF, Alice has served as a Peer Tutor, and has spent time tutoring in the math lab, but serving as a senior Home Volunteer since early in her freshman year has been the most rewarding experience of her life. During her time listening to countless stories of seniors who once led vigorous, productive lives, she explains in her personal statement that “It is natural to age, yet the effects are cruel: the loss of memories, abilities, and independence.” She understands the pain when a senior no longer recognizes her, or when someone she cares for passes away. These connections during these past five years have helped to shape her sense of who she is and how she and others fit together in this thing called life. And, with this keen awareness of the frailty of life, Alice has chosen either Johns Hopkins, Dartmouth, or UCLA as the colleges she would most want to attend in her pursuit of a Public Health major to explore the career opportunities within healthcare, to maybe become a doctor. Down time might allow Alice to spend time running while listening to crime podcasts.

Ethan Minseok Kim, Chapter 468 – Las Lomas High School
Adviser Sara Feinberg
Principal Heather Thorner
Acalanes Union High School District
A member of Las Lomas High School’s CSF chapter in Walnut Creek, Ethan is a force on campus in so many ways. He currently serves as the Founder & President of the Las Lomas Earth & Space Club, is the Co-Captain of the Las Lomas KidWind Challenge Team, was a Co-Founder & Volunteer of The Shakespeare Library in Sudan and is also the Vice President of the Las Lomas Current Events Club. But as with many students up here in front of you, life experiences sometimes allow a person to really understand their destiny. Ethan’s destiny has taken him to Sudan, where he’s had to take anti parasitic pills every three months due to the poor quality of the local water supply. By speaking with officials from a joint Sudanese-Korean medical corporation, who fortunately recognized the people’s hardships he was able to get them to donate 114,000 doses of their Distocide tablets, which had been a luxury the Sudanese people could rarely afford. Upon his return to California, Ethan created the research journal Per Terra Ad Astra to educate more people on the global water crisis. Hi efforts have even resulted in the drilling of new freshwater wells in Eswatini, formally known as Swaziland in South Africa. Ethan has applied to many universities including Stanford, Princeton, Yale, Brown, Columbia, Vanderbilt and UC Berkeley with the goal of majoring in Mechanical Engineering, or Industrial Engineering. A unique thing about Ethan is that he has lived in Korea, Turkey, Sudan and the US, and can speak Turkish and Arabic as well.

Yeonjun Kim, Chapter 102 – Livermore High School
Adviser Heema Sinibaldi
Principal Roxana Mohammed
Livermore Valley Joint Unified School District
Serving last year as vice president, and this year as president of Livermore High School’s active CSF chapter, Yeonjun has led his chapter in many service opportunities from the Panda Express fundraiser to park cleanups, job fairs, and even a Boo Bash, Halloween event for local children. He is also the president of the Nature Club, and National Honor Society, with again, a strong focus on community service. While an active force on campus, what most fulfills him is Taekwondo. Currently he is a 2nd dan, or degree Black Belt, and spends his time as a leader/assistant instructor for the Little Alpha (4-6 year old) class and other events since 2021. Some of his proudest moments, and those times when his way forward seems the clearest is when he is keenly aware that his perseverance, his focus and his leadership helps others achieve as well. His future path will take him hopefully to either Johns Hopkins, Duke, Harvard, Rice, Vanderbilt, or the University of Illinois, where he plans to major in Biomedical Engineering. A career as a physician or general surgeon is the goal he has in mind. A fact that not very many know about him is that he can, with just a few notes, identify every Taylor Swift song.

Micheline Ma, Chapter 762 – Piedmont Hills High School
Adviser Nancy Kennett
Principal Ginny Davis
East Side Union High School District
A member of CSF at Piedmont Hills High School during all four years of high school, Micheline is the current vice president of a very active chapter. From Holiday service opportunities such as Valentine grams, Valentines for teachers, Halloween cards, Thanksgiving cards, and Candy cane Reindeer gifts. She has also assisted with library book sales, no sew pillows for kindergarteners, Strides against Cancer Walks, wellness fairs and so much more. Truly, Micheline and her chapter exemplify the CSF motto “Scholars for Service.” But, for all of these activities, the job she is most proud of is training new CSF officers, remembering what it was like for herself as a timid sophomore representative with questions. So, she put herself in their shoes and created a roadmap to help her new peers to achieve success. As if these activities were not enough to keep her busy, Micheline also serves as the executive president of ASB serving the needs of over 2000 students. For her future, Michelin has chosen Pomona College, a liberal arts college and plans to major in Environmental Analysis in her pursuit of becoming a policymaker, a scientist, or an educator. When Micheline is not leading a service opportunity or inspiring others, she unwinds with puzzles, board games and especially attacking Wordle in every edition of the New York Times.

Marcus McLevis Michie Chapter 338 – Carmel High School
Adviser Barbara McBride
Principal Libby Duethman
Carmel Unified School District
A member for the past four years, Marcus has been the President of Carmel High School’s CSF chapter since his 10th grade year. He is also serving as the current Associated Student Body President, and past Class President. And, if that’s not enough, he is the founder and current President of the Public Policy Club with the mission being to engage his community in pressing international issues. Through this club, Marcus has brought the Leon Panetta Lecture Series to Carmel High School, allowing students to engage with national leaders such as Foreign Secretary David Cameron, and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Oh, by the way, Marcus is also Leading Petty Officer and Education Petty Officer for the United States Naval Sea Cadet Corps, responsible for teaching 20 cadets naval customs, and empowering them to become leaders. In all of these roles and activities, Marcus is committed to service, especially in bringing world issues to a local focus. For college, he has already been accepted to UC Berkeley, but is still waiting to hear from over nine other colleges including his dream school, Yale. A major in international relations will help prepare him for a career in International Security. You would think his favorite guilty pleasure might be the evening news, but you’d be wrong. In truth, he has watched every episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm, and deeply admires Larry David.

Alyson Nobriga, Chapter 150 – Liberty High School
Adviser Laura Weise
Principal Efa Huckaby
Liberty Union High School District
6th grade is when Alyson first became involved at school with her CJSF chapter. Since then, she has been a member of both CJSF and CSF every semester of her middle school and high school career, serving as secretary and Treasurer during that time. With her chapter at Liberty High School in Brentwood, Alyson has volunteered with several fundraisers and last year organized the CSF Awards ceremony. Calling herself the hype-man of CSF at Liberty, she is most proud of her efforts to encourage all those in CSF to do more for their community. And her efforts have truly paid off. Outside of CSF, Alyson is deeply involved with the Playmakers Drama Club, leading in such roles as Librarian, Vice president and currently as the president. More than her roles of leadership, perhaps the most important activity of her high school career has been her time volunteering at the Shepherd’s Gate Women’s Shelter. She explains in her personal statement that Volunteering here has also opened my views on some of the hardships people can face, further demonstrating to me that everyone has a different story and path in life. Her path in life will take her to either St. Mary’s CSU Long Beach, UC Berkeley, or maybe UC Irvine, where she may enter the Study Abroad Program in Italy. Although undecided on a major at this point, she is considering Physiology, Bio Science or even Med School. Her favorite pastime? Watching movies. In fact, just this year she has watched 92 new movies, with her favorite genre being comedy. But she’s no joke.