Congratulations to the recipients of the 2019-20 CJSF Marian Huhn Award!
The Marian Huhn Memorial Award recognizes outstanding 7th & 8th grade student members of California Junior Scholarship Federation for their academic excellence and service to the school and community.
Central Region
- Adriana La, Chapter 1251 Oak Grove, Adviser Melana Mazman Moore
- Kayley Sietsma, Chapter 976 Wallace Middle School, Adviser Meg Hairell
- Nicole Nguyen, Chapter 846 Cruickshank Middle School, Adviser Wendy May
- Madison Jackson, Chapter 852 Ranchos Middle School, Adviser Stephanie Alarcon
- Alejandro Rodriguez, Chapter 1219 Emilie J. Ross Middle School, Adviser Jameelah Cordano

Kayley Sietsma, top left
Nicole Nguyen, top right
Madison Jackson, bottom left
Adriana La, bottom right
Not pictured: Alejandro Rodriguez
Central Coast Region
- Andrew Ruck, Chapter 668 Sequoia Middle School, Adviser Leilani Montoya
- Rachel Baek, Chapter 1284 Dartmouth Middle School, Adviser Christine Campbell
- Alena Dinh, Chapter 1085 Fallon Middle School, Adviser Rachael Guinther
- Diya Madhavan, Chapter 1085 Fallon Middle School, Adviser Rachael Guinther
- Shambhavi Singh, Chapter 1352 Hart Middle School, Adviser Rebecca Schnell

Rachel Baek, above
Shambhavi Singh, top left
Andrew Ruck, bottom left
Not pictured: Alena Dinh, Diya Madhavan
North Region
- Jazmin Ibarra, Chapter 1226 Biggs Elementary, Adviser Sandy Moore
- Quinn Stafford, Chapter 676 Brittan Elementary School, Adviser Heather Azevedo
- Andrew Ma, Chapter 923 Marsh Junior High School, Adviser Sheila Snyder
- Gabriela Avelar, Chapter 280 Sycamore Middle School, Adviser Michelle Solis
- Kendall Stafford, Chapter 158 Bidwell Junior High School, Adviser Sandra Villasenor

Left – top to bottom: Jazmin Ibarra, Andrew Ma, Quinn Stafford
Gabriela Avelar, right top
Kendall Stafford, right bottom
South Region
- Ana Tovar, Chapter 868 Van Avery Prep, Adviser Theresa Bolton
- Sophia Hernandez, Chapter 868 Van Avery Prep, Adviser Theresa Bolton
- Sofia Ahmed, Chapter 1186 Orchard Hills School, Adviser Lee-Ann Lippert
- Evelyn Yao, Chapter 155 Carmenita Middle School, Adviser Ruthel Kim
- Michal Mengistu, Chapter 155 Carmenita Middle School, Adviser Ruthel Kim

Left – top to bottom: Ana Tovar, Sophia Hernandez
Right – top to bottom: Sofia Ahmed, Michal Mengistu
Not pictured: Evelyn Yao. Evelyn is the treasurer of her chapter and serves as a peer tutor. She has volunteered for various programs, such as Point Vicente Interpretive Center’s native garden and beach cleanups at Huntington Dog Beach. She has earned academic excellence awards in multiple subjects and actively participates in science and math activities.
South Central Region
- Lani Young, Chapter 330 CJSF Adams Middle School, Adviser Erika Ingerson
- Brandon Cruz, Chapter 269 Newcomb Academy, Adviser Alyson Al-Mulla
- Teryn Faulcon, Chapter 269 Newcomb Academy, Adviser Alyson Al-Mulla

Lani Young, left
Brandon Cruz, right
Not pictured: Teryn Faulcon