Congratulations to the 2018-19 CJSF South Central Region Huhn Award Recipients who submitted the award winning essays:
Jhana Dizon, Sacred Heart School Chapter 182, Deborah Cuddihy, Adviser
Jhana has served as a peer tutor, helped at the concession stands for sporting events and donated to charitable organizations. Jhana describes herself as a perfectionist that takes a leadership role in every group project.
Namuuna (Noni) Bayarjavhlan, David Starr Jordan Middle School Chapter 434, Crystal Bruza, Adviser
Noni serves as the president of her CJSF chapter, the newspaper club and the fashion club. She plays several instruments and participates in Jazz Band. Her service projects include designing the Jog-a-Thon and volunteering at the Family Fun Night.
Rani Michelle Crosby, Parras Middle School Chapter 254, Lisa MacMillan, Adviser
Serving as her chapter’s CJSF President, Rani has been an excellent role model while building strong bonds with new incoming students. She has been an active member in the WEB (Where Every Student Belongs) and the Tobacco Use Prevention Education programs at her school.
Emma Huynh, Newcomb Academy Chapter 269, Alyson Al-Mulla, Adviser
Emma currently serves as the CJSF President and a member of the Yearbook team. She is enrolled in the GATE program and has earned academic excellence awards in many subjects. Her goal is to make a difference by continuing to help others and the environment.
Isabella De La Rosa, Sacred Heart School Chapter 182, Deborah Cuddihy, Adviser
Isabella currently holds the positions of CJSF President and Student Body president. She is a Mathlete, Science Olympiad and Decathalon member. Isabella is enrolled in advanced placement classes and an active athlete. Her adviser acknowledges the numerous contributions Isabella has made to her school and community.
Kyle Mille, Newcomb Academy Chapter 269, Alyson Al-Mulla, Adviser
Kyle currently serves as the school’s ASB President. He has received numerous awards for academic excellence in the accelerated program. His adviser describes Kyle as quiet, personable, methodical and ready to volunteer at all times.