After the fundraiser
- Report your chapter sales and upload your receipts by March 24, 2022.
(If you need help consolidating the receipts into a single PDF, email for assistance.)- Save or Print to PDF all email receipts received from supporters. Email if you need help with this.
- List receipts from supporters on this PDF.
IMPORTANT: Download and save the form to your computer, then open it and fill it in, save and upload. - Upload the receipts and PDF form CSF using the online form below on this page.
- Form and receipts must be received no later than March 24, 2022.
Be sure you have all of your receipts together before submitting.
Only one form and set of receipts per chapter.
No late submissions will be accepted.
*As evidenced by sales receipts submitted to CSF.
A check for 10% of the pre-tax sales will be mailed to the adviser’s school address within 30 days.
Fill out my online form.